Well that is one way to describe the getting to our walk yesterday!!
Cajsa and I met up at S Woodford at 9.15 as planned and were busy chatting away when we were told to 'detrain' at Marble Arch station. Then began all the added instructions - we were told to get the 94 bus to Shepherd's Bush, then the rail replacement bus to North Acton and finally the tube for the last 2 or 3 stops. So easy????
What of course they didn't tell us was where to get the bus from, now that would have been useful. Still with 30 minutes before we were due to rendezvous, we were feeling quite confident and although we had to 'leg it' for the 94 bus when we emerged into day light, all went well.
My phone started making noises, except this was not my usual phone so frustration and exasperation followed as I tried to find a way to access my texts and to find a way to make a call. You would think it would be easy but no....
Poor Cajsa had to help out and we finally made contact with Teresa who was also experiencing a similar fate. She had been about to give up but the promise of friendly faces waiting for her in Starbucks in Shepherd's Bush had a motivating affect and only two and a half hours late we arrived at Greenford Tube Station.
Of course, the walk itself was sheer pleasure. More lovely new areas to explore, hills to climb and tea shops to experience. I would like to give the Dolls House in Harrow on the Hill a special mention for their wonderful welcome and great food.
There was plenty of talk about our Peru trip as Christine, Teresa and I compared packing lists etc and congratulated ourselves on our readiness. It wasn't until we were returning home with another miniscule transport hiccup that I remembered that my cagoul was in France!! Thanks to the lovely Kathy Morley who came to my rescue and dropped in her cagoul for my use. I owe you one.
Well only today and tomorrow and then I am off. I feel much less stressed now and I think that was due to a day in the fresh air yesterday. Work is up to date as is the blogging and I only now have to repack and pick up a prescription. Peru, here I come.
I am in a sad and also angry place as I write this blog as I have just heard that one of my wonderful East End Girls' breast cancer has returned. She is a larger that life, wonderful lady who is a real inspiration to all of this and if anyone can get on top of this she will. I am behind her fully but I am angry that she is having to fight this again when there are so many other things that she would rather put her energies into...
I am angry that this disease is attacking so many of my lovely girl friends and acquaintances and it just makes my resolve even stronger to do what I can to help.
I know no-one knows what causes this, they are still researching and that of course makes it harder to prevent but we do know that giving health a top priority cannot do any harm. So ladies think about how you honour your health. Are you eating well? Are you getting those fruits and veg that are so beneficial? Could you give up those cigarettes or that addiction to chocolate - I am fighting mine, this year. Are you doing enough exercise? Can you fit more into your life? Why not try walking, that's how I did it and a friend said to me last night 'You are so much more centered when you are walking regularly'. Clearly it is noticeable and it helps me in so many other ways too.
Gents, I know that you can get this too and that you lose people as well through breast cancer so I am not overlooking you too, I am just reacting as me.
This sort of thing should make all of us realise just how important every day is. Are you loving every day to the full? If not, start now. Stop putting things of until.........you do not know if that day will come. Enjoy it and live it now for the gift every day is.
Tina, you can rise above this in your wonderful sunny, full of life style. Go fight it girl and know that I am there for you in whatever way you need me. Much love. xx