Saturday, 17 February 2007

East End Girls walking.

Just a little time before I go to catch my train to Wakefield, to tell you about our walk today. We were doing more of the Capital Ring which again covered two sections. We started at Grove Park in South East London and walked to Streatham again walking through some great places and areas.

What is interesting about London is that one moment you are in a very urban area and the next you are in wide avenues of expensive housing. We walked through woodland and parks and on this occasion around Crystal Palace Park and around the Sports Centre. Discovered lots of new places too. It's such a great way to get to know your city.

There were a fair number of hills this time too, great for those of us training for Peru although the hills here are small fry compared to what we shall be facing in May. Never mind, there are a few months to go yet to build up to higher and steeper ones.

Off now so I can attend the 'Walkers are Welcome Town' launch in Hebden Bridge tomorrow. I shall report back on Monday.

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