Tuesday, 13 March 2007

The East End Girls - or at least some of them.

I am aware that in my blog, I talk a fair amount about the East End Girls so here is a recent photo of some of them in all their glory.
This photo was taken on our third section of the the Capital Ring and you can see the glorious weather I mentioned in my 11/3/07 entry.
Never did I realise that when I signed up, over a year ago to do the Breakthrough Walk that this group of women would change my life so much. We range in age from 18 to mid 50 ies and include, coaches, teachers, students, PA's, swimming instructors etc. Everyone gets on really well, everyone looks out for everyone else, we get together for meals and drinks and on all walks we have fun.
The group covers on average 10-12 miles when we walk and we always aim to find nice venues for lunch and coffee. If you are up to that level of walking then please come and join us. Email me heather@walkerscoach.com. If you would like to work up to this, and some of our members had hardly walked at all when they joined originally, then also email me as I am setting up some other groups too which will start with a couple of miles.
Just think how much fun you too can have.

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