First and foremost, yes, I did it, I walked the Inca Trail and so did the whole of the wonderful group I was with. The group consisted of myself, Chris, Teresa and Gemma all of whom were East End Girls and then my friend Elaine and Helen who I met when networking. Then in Peru we met a family group of 3 and Alan who was on his own. We all got on so well, what a great bunch of people.
It was a great experience and I have to keep looking at my photos as already the reality of it is fading as life just moves on.
Here is a photo of our group on the morning that we started the trek. We were on our way by coach to Km 82 and we got out to take photos at this wonderful spot.
Some of the peaks seen here were with us on the entire walk and that was very comforting. This photo was taken about 7.00a.m and it was still quite cold but as you can see very beautiful.
There is so much to tell you and share with you about the trip and the only way I am going to be able to do it is bit by bit so please bear with me.
Although the clear focus of the actual trip is fading, the one thing that I brough back with me, which I still have, is a great feeling of calm and relaxation. I have now maintained that through a week of working and a sometimes hectic half term week. I plan to keep it as it feels really good and I have not raised my voice once or got angry since. Quite amazing really. I am exploring the whole issue as I want to take the lessons and pass them on to others. I have to say that I feel great.
Just one last thing to share and that is that the word for the week is balance.
What am I talking about? Well, a number of years ago a friend and fellow coach bought me a pack of cards with different words on them. There are many ways to use them but I tend to pick a random card and then work with it in the way that seems relevant and beneficial to me. Today I picked 'balance' which felt a really good way of working on maintaining the balance that I currently have and am enjoying.
It is placed beside my computer and is reminding me of the need to have that balance all through my day. It's made me ensure that I take a lunch break, something I do not always do, and I also made sure I fitted a walk in today even though I could not do my first thing in the morning one.
If your word was also balance, how would it work for you? What could you do to ensure that you had balance in your life? What would balance be like for you? Have a go and see what you achieve.
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