Thursday 17 February 2011

Will February attract raves like January?

After every walk, I get great texts and messages from the girls telling me how much they've enjoyed the walks and from time to time I also ask them where they want to go so we have a few established favourites. However, this year I've decided to ask for a bit more feedback ...... so this is how it went -

"I've had some lovely emails re the walk in general but would really love to hear your thoughts and comments more and when it's still in your mind. What did you like about the route? What did you not like? What did you think about our stops, food etc? 

It's always good to know for the future and while we can't please all of the people all of the time, I do try. This is also important now that we are not looking to hugely grow the group. I want a group of great women, as we have at present, who love to walk, chat eat and drink; who are open to new routes, perhaps getting into cars and going somewhere; some of whom would consider weekends away etc and are happy to give me feedback as that helps me strive for the best.

Please comment on all, I'm a big girl who can cope with the good and the bad and I won't take it personally. One thing about our wonderful EEG is that it feels a very strong and supportive group where we can feel safe in being open and honest and trust other people in the group with what we share. All a bit deep for a monday morning......."

and this is a flavour of what I received.....

"I so enjoyed the walk - it is one of my favorites [that and the canal one that starts at Mile End]. I love the parks, people watching and  looking at the beautiful houses. The food stops  are always good on this one too. " Sue

"Really enjoyed the walk yesterday - getting to know some of you better, and meeting Theresa for the first time. No aches or pains to report.

I really liked the route apart from when we had to walk amongst crowds of tourists - but not sure how that can be avoided when walking in Central London. It was good to do a mainly street walking route, given the muddy conditions - but I will do mud if necessary! I am open to any suggestion re location of walk - the only issue which determines whether I come or not is whether I have got child care" Joanna

"I always enjoy walks with the EEG. I really like this one and I'm a bit with Joanne about the tourist but that cant really be avoided in London and it was only for a short time.  I love all the Parks even though I keep asking 'What Park are we in?' I even like primrose hill and that's saying something as I don't do hills, but I think that I'm  improving on them.  The view when you get to the top is lovely, and it makes you appreciate what you have on your door step as we have such negative reports on London all the time, its lovely to go out and see the sights.  As always we have lovely food & chats i love meeting up with all of you and its lovely meeting a few new people as well." Kathyxxxx  

"I find the walks are always enjoyable, no matter what the weather and even if we overshoot through enthusiasm or too much engrossing talk. The women I have come to know on these walks are just extraordinary. The joy and the pity is that they don't necessarily realise this.
Each walk is different, even if it is one we have already done. The food is almost always good. I like the fact that we prioritise the basics: toilets, food, coffee. I know I will always laugh as there is such an infectious good humour in the group, whatever its composition. However, there is also a lot of very serious talk that takes place when we can trust our fellow walkers with some painful aspects of our lives.
I am not Pollyanna by any means but I see great fun in all our walks and this is because we often go to lovely places but it is also to do with being with great women.
Why are women like tea bags?
Because you don't know how strong they are till you put them in hot water
Eleanor Roosevelt"
Will include more after the next walk and can you see why I always look forward to getting out there with these great women. 

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