So 4 of us met at 9.00 at S Woodford, we picked Geraldine up on route at Leytonstone and the other 4 in Paddington at 10.00 and off we went. Nicola, another of the Athena Angels joined us, the East End Girls are expanding again.
It may not be the prettiest place to walk at the beginning but I do love the urban feel to this bit and the fact that amongst the concrete are these lovely canal boats that add colour and so much character.
There's a lot of development going on round here so perhaps it ill start to look better. Shops and restaurants have already been added and I remember sitting in the sunshine earlier on this year enjoying lunch and a glass of wine before turning round and walking back the way we'd come.
Vanessa, Teresa, Chris and Kathy probably hearing about Kathy's trip Stateside. |
Most of them can't resist a man and this one is probably less trouble than some others of the species. Clearly Nic isn't at all bothered.
Can you see the look on Teresa's face? In all seriousness, I love these sculptures and what they add.
They are by the British Sculptor Sean Henry and are aptly called Standing Man and Walking Man. Apparently, Henry works from life, photographs and his own drawings, then he creates each sculpture in clay before it is cast in bronze and individually painted by him.
Teresa clearly likes them too!! No, you can't take him home.
Nicola walks past the boat cafe which we have stopped at before but coffee clearly wasn't on the agenda yet. After all we'd already bypassed Starbucks, well it's not Costa.
Round the basin and out the other side and along by the berths of numerous house boats and up onto the street as the canal goes under ground for a short while.
I think there's something about the dryer and warnmer weather that allows the colours to be stronger and more vivid. Is this why New England has such great falls?
As we walked further I could see something in the water ahead but as we got nearer a canal boat passed at the same time obscuring our view. I was determined to see what it was though so I engineered a stop only to discover a sinking boat kept afloat mainly because of the tape securing it to the bank. What a shame and I wonder what happened?
Soon Camden came into view, always a good place to stop although we were a bit early for lunch today so coffee instead. W managed to find space for all of us round a couple of tables, I was able to pay Geraldine back and doesn't she look pleased? Think it was the coffee more than the money actually.
Saturday in Camden is less busy so more room to look round although it does cost a ridiculous 40p to go to the loo!
As we waited to get everyone together again, a few of us were looking at the Holiday in Express and questioning how long it had been there. None of us could remember seeing it before, No matter when it appeared, it looks good though reflected in the canal and with colourful paintwork. Not a bad place to stay.
We often comment on the ever changing face of the Thames and the developments we've seen in all the time we've been walking. Today we realised that the canal was similar as we saw more flats being built and recognised that some wasteland probably wouldn't remain like that for much longer. As we neared the back of Kings Cross and St Pancras we were amazed at what's going on there. It's starting to open up where before there was lots of hoarding. Photos show shops, restaurants and lots of open space on what is 67 acres of development to the north of the stations.
Lunch was a later affair when we got to Islington. The place was busy so after a bit of extra walking and some studying of menus, we opted for Cuba Libra. Needed to walk it all of after especially those who'd had bagettes. Teresa and I had opted for the tapas which was lighter and by choosing 4 different dishes each we managed to have 8 different samples.
I love the stretch from Islington to Mile End, also ever changing and Geraldine, Vanessa and Kathy opted out here leaving the rest of us a fairly quick walk on to Limehouse basin and along to Belgique where we had excellent service and a coffee to round off the day.
We also sorted out our plans for December's walk ...but you'll just have to wait.
walk back to Mile End or Canary Wharf depending how people are feeling. Plenty of places to have coffee and lunch which might be in Camden or in Islington.