We had 13 wonderful women, one who'd walked with me on a Friday before but was new to the EEG; another who is training for Edinburgh's Moonwalk and came along with Marie and if we could make it possible, the plan was to meet up with Lina, another new lady who is training for the 13 mile Moonwalk in London and who would make the total 14.
Look how calm the river is and with no planes in the sky either due to ash clouds, things were very quiet - well if you forget about the chit chat from such an exuberant group.
Everyone was in good form here and the pace, set by Cajsa and Teresa was pretty brisk. The great thing about a big group though is that it's actually easier to let everyone go at their own pace and stretch out.
At this point we were heading for one of our favourite coffee shops never Wapping Tube. I found this the first day it opened and the coffees, pastries and 'made to order' sandwiches are fantastic. Was a little concerned how 13 or 14 of us were going to all get seated but our timing was superb - did feel sorry though for those coming in for a quiet Saturday morning coffee and a read of the paper. Still it's good for the Deli's business and we only frequent once or twice a year in such large numbers.
Having had a call from Lina, we managed to meet up here and after using all the facilities and having a good battery recharge, we set off heading for Tower Bridge. Here's the motley crew with the famous landmark in the background.
From here our route took us over the bridge and onto the Southbank which at this point was pretty busy with tourists, locals etc . Lovely to see so many people out enjoying the wonderful weather. Being so broad, the Southbank is a great place to walk and there's so much to see as well. Our next stop was lunch - so important to look after yourself when walking and at EAT, just below the Oxo Tower, we found a great sunny spot with plenty of room for everyone. Good food here too and plenty of choice as well.
We were heading for Westminster Bridge where, once across, Barb peeled off to do some stuff around Trafalgar Square and soon after it was Vanessa saying farewell as she headed home to get ready for a birthday do. Helen did a wonderful 7.5 miles leaving us after a bright and sunny walk through St James Park and along by the flowerbeds at the Palace - well done.
The intrepid rest headed up through Hyde Park, still deep in conversation, well 14 people is a lot to get round and as one of the ladies said - "it was an added bonus meeting such an interesting and friendly group"
A loo and ice-cream stop in Regent's park, then up Primrose Hill which was littered with bodies as were all the open spaces and then the final push to Belsize Park tube. Teresa and I did look for a table in the sun where we could all partake a cold beer but none to be had and having finished the spirit was not willing to have to explore too much further. I phoned my husband and asked him to make sure the cold beers were available in the garden for when I got home!
Great feedback since -
"great photos to go with a great walk. It really was so enjoyable, thanks for organising it"
" Heather, thanks for a great day. G"
"Thank you for organising such a lovely walk, I really enjoyed it. Can't make May but would like to do the next one, so hopefully see you all soon."
and it's still coming in.
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