Tuesday 27 April 2010

Bluebells - take in that scent and that sight.

I love bluebells.

As a child I spent so much of my time with my friends in the field and woods behind our house and the woods would be carpeted this time of year with that fantastic blue. Have you ever noticed how often they grow in beech woods and how the colours of the beech leaves and the bluebells complement each other. And have you ever stood there and just breathed in that scent, it's wonderful.

Yesterday I took a detour out of my day to go for a walk in Wanstead Park so I could soak up the bluebell atmosphere and take some photos. Here they are for you to share.

At this time of year there is plenty of opportunity to walk amongst the bluebells. However, with the very cold winter we had some of the bluebells are blooming later than usual. To find out where there are bluebells in your area visit the National Trust site and check in with their bluebell watch - -


You can also just google "bluebell walks" into your browser or to make it a little easier, here are another couple of sites to visit -


and http://www.ramblers.org.uk/walkthemes/Themedwalksbluebells

At one point I was lying on the ground getting right up close - good job there weren't too many people around. Is this the view a small creature gets?

I'm off to see how well these wonderful flowers are faring in Epping Forest. Wherever you go, enjoy.

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