Saturday 12 January 2008

First EEG walk of 2008

I have been walking with the East End girls on our first walk of 2008. To meet everyone's needs - those who have not walked for a while, those new to the group and to walking, Marina who is pregnant and Usha who needed to do other things as well, I planned a walk with opt out points and options for continuing for those who wanted to.

What a great day and what superb weather. Bright sunshine in blue skies and a seat for all of us in Starbucks when we had a late coffee break. It was so good to be striding out again and enjoying the company of the girls. Those of us who stayed to the end did about 20,000 steps and 10 miles but to everyone, well done and see you on the next walk on Feb 3rd.

If any of you reading this want to get involved in walking more - we have so much fun - email me on and let's have a chat. It's the best exercise ever!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Heather,

    I noticed you had no comments yet, and wanted to post just to let you know how much i enjoyed reading your posts. It is raining as a write, and after a go no go converation with myself, and reading your blog I have decided to grab Angels leash (our english springer spaniel) and head out. I found your podcast on iTunes and regret I don't live nearby! Pittsburgh, Pa is just a tad too far! I look forward to reading your posts and walking with you in spirit.

