Thursday, 25 March 2010

Daffodil walk

I love my daffodils, theyre such happy flowers and I always have as many as possible at this time of the year as they really brighten things up. Today's not so difficult as the sun is shining and I only have to drive up the road a little to feast my eyes on an area strewn with daffodils.

To celebrate the fact that Spring has sprung, there is an Open Garden Daffodil Walk for you to take part in on Sunday 28th March at The olde Coach House, The Street, Brockdish, Diss,Norfolk IP21 4JY Phone - 01379668146

Only cost £2 and you can amble down to the banks of the River Waveney. There will be cake stalls, a tombola and refreshments.

To find out more, visit

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Lighting up Hadrian's Wall

I so wish I'd managed to make this spectacle but it wasn't to be. If you were there, I'd love to hear your experience. If not, have a look at the photos, videos and listen and read the stories. -

10 Bridge Walk

I visited Richard House many years ago and was so inspired with all that was happening here, it's a wonderful place.

If you'd like to walk for yet another great cause, aren't they all, then visit -

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

March 3rd Walking Tip

Visualise as you walk, it's a great mood fixer. See your anxieties been ground into the earth under your feet as you move.

Works for me every time.